Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm a Weaner!

I'm a weaner! I started my first wean this week, on Wed. I'm expecting tomorrow, actually later today, to be a bad day for me. I felt nauseated off and on for a while, yesterday, but not real bad. It passed and I was fine the rest of the day. The weans are not fun to go through. Hopefully, it won't be too bad though. Doc H. said I could go down 10 mg., and stay at 40 mg. until I see him next week. Then, he will go over my weaning protocol. Maybe I can go down 10 mg. more each week, if I can tolerate it. I'll see what he says. I know Dr. F. is having his patients leave the hospital on only 25 mg. I left on 50 mg. I don't think I needed that much, but at times, I think I did, and I'm glad I had it.

I gained 15 lbs. after surgery, by the time I got home. Now, I've lost 5 lbs. of that. I will be glad when I at least get back to my pre-op weight.

I'm feeling pretty good. I'm still sore some, but each day is still getting better. Now, I'm off to bed! It's been a long day! I should have been in bed hours ago!

1 comment:

littleoldladyinashoe said...

Hey weaner! Nice to meet you, I'm a weaner too.
I was on 120mg the whole time I was in the hospital and my body says this is good! UGH! I'm down to 40 but definitely feeling the effects :-( I like a good steady that bad of me? ;-)
I actually don't gain weight and have even lost weight on 60 but they tend to frown on that much.
Maybe when these stupid infections are gone I can get back on 10-20 without wanting to die.
Go slow and even back and forth if 40 one day 45 the next...
good luck my little weaner friend