Tuesday, December 4, 2012

9 weeks post op tomorrow!

Wow! I can't believe it's been that long already! I'm doing really good. I took off the binder at 6 weeks and did well, but with Thanksgiving and a weekend get away I had, I started swelling pretty bad again. I've had to lay low this week, and it's helping the swelling to go down. I guess I've overdone it, but it's hard not to when you feel good. I notice that I still tire fairly easily. I tried wearing my binder again, but it was no help. It's way too big on me now. At this point, I'm not sure I want to waste money on a new one. I took Arnica Montana pills after surgery and they helped a lot with swelling. I ordered some more, so when they get here, I'll be taking those.

Maybe next week, on my birthday, I'll post updated pics.